Core Personal Foundation CPF Framework

Intellectual #HEAD, emotional and cultural #HEART, and instinctive #GUTS connection for achieving 
IT Transformation Success!

CPF Framework is a strategic approach to IT transformation that strongly emphasizes individual personality, team building, fostering team synergy, and establishing connections among individuals, teams, and various IT transformation levels. It also serves as a compass for measuring the IT transformation’s vibe, based at the outset and adjusted throughout the journey. Thanks to this guidance, IT transformation can become a satisfying, enjoyable, fulfilling, and successful endeavor for all involved parties.

CPF Framework primarily serves as a prerequisite for well-known implementation frameworks like SAFe, LeSS, SCRUM, and others. However, it is also flexible enough to be integrated into ongoing IT transformation processes, ensuring a holistic and adaptable approach to transformation.

CPF Framework is your personal framework as well as your team’s, program’s, and IT transformations. Use it to unleash the Power of IT transformation.

the Core Personal Foundation CPF Framework flow

Sculpting the IT Transformation Vision. A Strategic Guide

Many companies encounter difficulties when it comes to defining their IT vision. To assist them, rather than prioritizing the IT transformation vision right away, it may be more beneficial to initially establish the CPF Company Barometer (CB). 

CPF Company Barometer (CB). HEAD, HEART, GUTS ratio

The Main Stakeholder Group (MSG) bears the responsibility for creating the Core Personal Foundation Company Barometer (CB), a quantifiable metric between the intellectual (HEAD), emotional and cultural (HEART), and instinctive (GUTS) elements within an organization.

CPF Parameter Cards (PC)s

The Main Stakeholder Group (MSG) has the authority to commence the development of Parameter Cards (PC). These (PC)s are specifically crafted for evaluating each member involved in the IT transformation, facilitating the identification of experts who resonate with the principles outlined in the Core Personal Foundation Company Barometer (CB).

CPF Company Matrix (CM) 

The Core Personal Foundation Company Matrix (CM) is a foundational tool that aligns with the values reflected in the Core Personal Foundation Company Barometer (CB) and is made up of selected Parameter Cards. This matrix includes specific Expected Researched Values and Rating Scales for each parameter, allowing for a structured assessment of IT transformation members.

Evaluating IT Transformation Members

Every member of the IT transformation team undergoes evaluation based on the parameters and values outlined in the Core Personal Foundation Matrix, in addition to individual assessments employing the Core Personal Foundation Individual Barometer (IB).

Forming Self-Organizing Teams through Connectors

IT transformation experts are given the freedom to form teams based on the expected roles needed for the teams, as defined by the Main Stakeholder Group (MSG). 

Way of Working selection

In collaboration the IT transformation members select their Way of Working

"You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful."

-Marie Skłodowska Curie, Pierre Curie


When the IT transformation goes south.

IT transformation or large-scale business alteration through IT can indeed be a challenging and time-consuming endeavor, often resulting in disappointment.


The Core Personal Foundation (CPF) Framework

Key Principles, Elements, and Practices for Achieving IT Transformation Success.

Revamping Ongoing IT Transformations: 
Unlocking the Power of Fine-Tuning. 

Discover the crucial art of fine-tuning IT transformations, unlocking hidden potential, and addressing challenges.

in preparation

From IT Transformation to Business Agile Metamorphosis 
Embracing Lasting, Bold Change

Explore the journey of IT transformations that lead to a profound and enduring business agile metamorphosis, revolutionizing operations for sustained success.

in preparation

Jakub Giza
contact: click me

© The Core Personal Foundation (CPF) Framework